"I thank God for this day,
For the sun in the sky
For my mum and my dad,
For my piece of apple pie.
For our home on the ground,
For His love thats all around
Thats why I say thanks
Because a thankful heart
is a happy heart.
I'm glad for what i have
Thats an easy way to start.
For the love that He shares
Cuz He listens to my prayers
Thats why i say thanks everyday
Thankyou Dad for our day
For our trip to the mall
For the time just with me
for my big red bouncy ball
For the fun that we had
I'm so happy you're my dad
Thats why i say thanks everyday"
And i'm moved to tears by this song. Simple as it may be. Why? because in these times of uncertainties, the only way to be happy is to be thankful and contented with what i have. Because i may not be able to spend the money that i'd love to spend, on things that i'd love to have. And i may not be able to celebrate my birthday in a restaurent or on a yacht. But u know, as i think about it, what does it really matter? Just as the little girl singing the song in the cartoon, who only had a piece of apple pie for her birthday because her parents could not afford anything else, yet she could still say thankyou Lord for all that i have. Just for the simple things that i already have, i can give thanks.
And its probably as hard for any of you as it is for me, if we have to give up buying the things we love to do, or to give up shopping, or to give up buffet dinners, or crabs. but i think as youths, even as we have prayed a few weeks ago for our parents and for God to preserve us in these times of uncertainty, we should make a conscious effort to help our parents out as well. Not spend money that doesnt need to be spent. Or to demand things from them like a spoilt prince/princess. Or to pressure them into buying things that they cannot actually afford. This may be harsh. But not all your parents may share with you about their financial issues.
So youths, let us make an effort to spend less on needless things. But to give a helping hands to our parents. as
Exodus 20: 12 says: " Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord you God is giving you."
I believe that this verse does not only speak of showing respect to your parents, but also, to if in any way possible, lighten their load.
So lets all meditate upon this=)
friendly neighbourhood club moriahite,