First of all! Praise the Lord! By God's grace I am promoted up to year 2 despite failing Chem. Indeed God does wonderful things!
It's only the 4th day into school term and honestly, I have been super tired. Super tired of how lessons drag on and on and never seem to end, tired of the tension in the air whenever someone reminds us "you're taking your As this year, you don't really have a year, if you do your math, you only have about 7 months". Tired of the same old routine of wake up, change, school, back, study. While I know I ought to be thankful to be given this chance to be promoted and I shouldn't complain, I have to admit that I am tired (and I'm sure it's not just my aching legs from intensive PE lessons).
During one of the lectures yesterday I was sharing with my classmate how all these killing timetables and countless tests and exams are draining me almost entirely before I noticed the verse mounted on the wall of the Cultural Centre.
"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." - Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)
I read it a second time, trying to internalize what it was trying to tell me as I was feeling really groggy. And when I finally understood what it said I felt so reassured. Who was I to think I could do things alone, with my limited capabilities? It was funny, if you ask me, how I never really looked at the walls until yesterday.
God never fails, He is always so faithful that we can count on Him, whether we are in despair, stressed or tired. So let's look to Him whenever we feel down and know that we can trust in Him (:
Your friendly neighbourhood Moriahite,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
"I thank God for this day,
For the sun in the sky
For my mum and my dad,
For my piece of apple pie.
For our home on the ground,
For His love thats all around
Thats why I say thanks
Because a thankful heart
is a happy heart.
I'm glad for what i have
Thats an easy way to start.
For the love that He shares
Cuz He listens to my prayers
Thats why i say thanks everyday
Thankyou Dad for our day
For our trip to the mall
For the time just with me
for my big red bouncy ball
For the fun that we had
I'm so happy you're my dad
Thats why i say thanks everyday"
And i'm moved to tears by this song. Simple as it may be. Why? because in these times of uncertainties, the only way to be happy is to be thankful and contented with what i have. Because i may not be able to spend the money that i'd love to spend, on things that i'd love to have. And i may not be able to celebrate my birthday in a restaurent or on a yacht. But u know, as i think about it, what does it really matter? Just as the little girl singing the song in the cartoon, who only had a piece of apple pie for her birthday because her parents could not afford anything else, yet she could still say thankyou Lord for all that i have. Just for the simple things that i already have, i can give thanks.
And its probably as hard for any of you as it is for me, if we have to give up buying the things we love to do, or to give up shopping, or to give up buffet dinners, or crabs. but i think as youths, even as we have prayed a few weeks ago for our parents and for God to preserve us in these times of uncertainty, we should make a conscious effort to help our parents out as well. Not spend money that doesnt need to be spent. Or to demand things from them like a spoilt prince/princess. Or to pressure them into buying things that they cannot actually afford. This may be harsh. But not all your parents may share with you about their financial issues.
So youths, let us make an effort to spend less on needless things. But to give a helping hands to our parents. as
Exodus 20: 12 says: " Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord you God is giving you."
I believe that this verse does not only speak of showing respect to your parents, but also, to if in any way possible, lighten their load.
So lets all meditate upon this=)
friendly neighbourhood club moriahite,
Friday, January 2, 2009
Cardboard Testimony - On "Change"
Yaoting shared with me this video and I was deeply moved by some of their testimonies. The changes in some of them are drastic but indeed, nothing is impossible for God. As shared by Pastor Mei during watchnight service, we have to have the Courage to change as we move forward for it (change) is essential for growth.
However, the video also reminded me of how God brings about changes in our daily lives. As the familiar verse of 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!"
This verse always strike me whenever I become doubtful, or when I start having questions like, "how am I different before and after joining Club Moriah and knowing God once again?" And then I will remember that in Christ I am not the V I was before 10th May 2008, for then I was a lost sheep waiting for some kind of miracle to happen in my life. Now! Not only am I no longer lost sheep, I get to witness God's miracles everyday in my life, whether they are big or small.
Even now, as I prepare for my level-up papers, I can feel the change. I would have been panicking and giving up, but no, the peace of God is within me and I can feel Him holding my hands as I hold the books. Save for the five minutes of panic attack I suffered from in the afternoon after learning I have two more chapters tested, I must say that today's revision today has been rather productive, with His soothing voice whispering into my (right - that's how clear I could hear Him) ear every once in a while, reassuring me that I can do it.
My cardboard testimony:
Then: Lost_gAl91
Now: Royal princess of His Kingdom
What will your cardboard testimony be like?
Your friendly neighbourhood Club Moriahite,
V. (Already have next entry in mind but will be back after level-ups!)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
the skies sing of His great glory(:
Heya all Club Moriahites(: Yes, its now a new year and we just wanna wish all of you a Blessed New Year! Now even as it is a new year, it is also a time of renewing, refreshing and restoring. As we approach the time when school starts again. Stress is gonna come in, tiredness, and maybe a few white hairs.. but in all these let us remember that our God is a sovereign God. He is gonna get you through ALL circumstances, ALL impossibilities and ALL disabilities. What you may define as not possible in your life, God can make it all possible! As Matthew 19:26b says, "With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."So let us all take the chance to claim this, youths. Claim this upon our lives everyday. Whether you're currently working, or studying, or doing whatever it is that you are doing, let us make it a point to stand infront of the mirror every morning and say " My GOD can make the IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE!" For our God is a great God=) In times when its slightly harder to believe, look up in the sky, look at the nature around you. Because God made it, and if He can make all that is around you, He can indeed do the IMPOSSIBLE!
God Bless All of You Moriahites this 2009(: and i hope to hear great thanksgivings from each of you this coming saturday [our first meeting of the year(: ]! All Praise be to God!
friendly neighbourhood club moriahite,
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