Sunday, December 28, 2008

As 2008 comes to an end - the pilot entry

Hello all, this is the new blog that Naomi and a few of us were discussing about over MSN, thinking we need a more user-friendly one. Took me quite a while to navigate around Blogger but the layout is finally done. Wanted to keep it simple and neat-looking but if you have any ideas for the layout do drop a comment! Much credits to the previous website (as you can see I reused the introduction and I took the youth's logo off there. I will share the username and password with all of you when I next see you guys. We will keep this going! (When you finish blogging click on "Publish Post", "Save Now" will only save it as a draft!)

So, today at youth we had a short thanksgiving session and personally, I was very encouraged by the testimonies that everyone gave. Having joined CM this May (on the tenth to be exact), I am very thankful for the past seven months plus that all of you have given me and the help you guys provided me during my spiritual growth. I really enjoy fellowship with CM and Godly friends like you guys help me to keep myself in check because, as I have shared earlier, the temptations out there are too overwhelming.

Year 2008, for me it was a really fast 12 months. New school, new friends, new classmates, etc. I made my fair share of mistakes but in the Bible it says (thank you Sherrie for sharing this with me), in Isaiah 1:18, "Come now, let's settle this," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow." Praise the Lord! His capacity to forgive is so unimaginable for a mere human mind like mind.

This school holiday has been more than fruitful. As mentioned many times during several testimonies this afternoon, there were conference, camp and Christmas (all Cs haha). I must say that it has been a spiritual breakthrough for me, having encountered God like never before on the second day of conference (we were dancing and suddenly we felt the Holy Spirit come down upon us so strongly we started praying and all), speaking in tongues for the first time during encounter night of camp, and really committing everything unto the Father and drawing strength from Him when I was shaking so badly translating Naomi's testimony, and eventually went through the five minutes (that felt like forever) by faith.

I look forward to the coming new year, knowing that God has more great and mighty things in store for each and every one of us! I'm sure all of you feel the same way! Onward, Christian soldiers!

Your friendly neighbourhood Club Moriahite,
V. (Currently listening to All For Love by Hillsong)