- · T-shirts (preferably dark clothes for games day)- especially for girls! :D
- · Knee-length shorts (for sessions)
- · Pants /Jeans (FBTs only allowed for games)
- · Undergarments (Sufficient to last all four days! and able to survive wet games!)
- · Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- · Soap & Shampoo (Including Personal Toiletries!)
- · Towels
- · HIGH Socks & Sport Shoes (for morning exercise)
- · Slippers
- · Personal Medication
- · Sleeping Bag
- · Stationary
- · Bible
- · Water Bottles (must be 1 litre or more)
- · Metal Fork & Spoon
- · Cups (must be metal or plastic)
- · Mosquito Repellent (Optional)
- · Own Money (for lunch)
- · Topped- up EZ-Link Card (for travelling)
- Also Please Remember to bring YOUR PERSONAL MEDICATION! (We don't want to send anyone to the hospital;))
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Youth Camp Final Details- PACKING LIST
Monday, November 30, 2009
Latest Important Events to NOTE
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Thankgiving Dare
Saturday, August 8, 2009
the genuineness of Faith
I was flipping through my bible for a verse to share and encourage all of you when i came across this verse i had highlighted in my bible. And i was greatly encouraged by the words of Peter when he was speaking in verses 3 to 5 which talks about our inheritance in Christ which is reserved in heaven for "you, 5 who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." but also at the same time, we have troubles and we face many different trials; but we should rejoice, that the genuineness of our faith, which is tested by fire, may bring PRAISE, HONOR and GLORY to Jesus Christ.
So i just wanted to encourage all of you Moriahites, that even as you being students or young adults face many different trials; all in your own different ways (whether it be studies, friendships, relationships, etc.) that you must know that your faith is being tested. Not because God is sadistic and has nothing better to do, but because He sees you as much more precious than Gold; your genuiness of faith being so precious that it has to be PURIFIED, FILTERED, TESTED, to become pure gold; pure genuine faith, that it might bring God honor, glory and praise. So don't ever give up Moriahites!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Heya Moriahites! Yes! Club Moriah's New Blog RE-Made and RE-Vamped! As most of you already know, we have all shifted from Salvation Army to Halcyon Building! A place we can almost call ours; at least till we outgrow and overflow!
God is Good! And the new place just totally rocks! Well, Vi and I are going to try and make things around here a little more exciting! Firstly, do look out for our every Friday Thanksgivings and thoughts(Have not yet thought of a name), as well as our 5th Week Special Post(name not confirmed yet==)!
Well, Secondly, we would really like all of you to come visit this blog often! This is going to be the place where you'll get to see new photos as well as check out on the latest youth updates and events! Well, currently if you look under the "Upcoming Events" column, you'll see two new events coming up! You are highly encouraged to sign up for them. If you have any financial difficulty, but would like to participate, YOU CAN! Just go ahead and contact our friendly Treasurer cum Ministry Liason Officer(MiLO) Shawn for assistance.
We'll be having a whole lot of fun coming up this year for you guys, so get ready to embark on a new mission for God! Wherever He is going to go and work, whatever He is going to do, we are going to follow! So keep your eyes open, your ears sensitive and get ready to wait on Him, seek Him and prepare for a huge ride! As David danced before God, let us worship God with energy and passion! As Moses and Joshua sought God, let us do likewise! As Elijah and Elishah prophesied, let us be sensitive to the words of God. As Jesus followed and did the Father's work, let us also learn to do whatever the Father is doing. As Paul and the Apostles faced persecution, let us all be ready to stand up for our FAITH! As David as a youth strick down Goliath in battle, let us be WARRIORS and not babies! AMEN!
All for His Glory!
Your Friendly Moriahite,